sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2012



O presente simples é um dos primeiros tempos verbais que aprendemos num curso de inglês, isso porque ele é usado para descrever fatos e rotinas que fazem parte da vida de cada pessoa, e essa é justamente uma das funções básicas da comunicação em um segundo idioma: dizer quem somos.


1 . Descrever ações de rotina, ou seja, ações repetidas com freqüência (pode ser um hábito, um hobby, uma mania, uma situação cotidiana…)

Ex: I go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays.

2. Descrever situações/sentimentos ou preferências.

Ex: I believe in God.

My mother loves cats.

3. Descrever situações agendadas para acontecer num futuro próximo ou detalhes de um cronograma.

Ex: My plane takes off next Saturday at 5pm.

My English classes start at 9:40am.


Ao contrário do presente em português (que traz 6 variações de acordo com a pessoa verbal), em inglês só temos 2 variações como você pode ver na tabela abaixo:


I, YOU, WE, THEY I study English everyday. I don’t study English everyday. Do you study English everyday?

HE, SHE, IT He studies English everyday. He doesn’t study English everyday. Does he study English everyday?


1. Na afirmativa, a sequência é Sujeito + verbo + complemento

2. Na afirmativa, os sujeitos he/she/it exigem que o verbo aparece no plural. (apenas na afirmativa)

Ex: She goes / He dances / It runs

3. Na negativa e interrogativa, usaremos um auxiliar

O auxiliar para he/she/it é o DOES;

O auxiliar para as demais pessoas é o DO.

4. A sequência na negativa é:


5. A sequência na interrogativa é:

Se a resposta pretendida for yes/no:

Auxiliar + sujeito+verbo+complemento

Se a resposta pretendida for diferente de yes/no:

Simple Present

Descreve um fato ou estado permanente, ou uma ação que acontece com freqüência no presente. A forma básica do presente dos verbos principais na afirmativa é a mesma do infinitivo (aquela forma que você encontra no dicionário) sem o to (to smoke ® smoke) com exceção das 3as pessoas do singular (he/she/it) que levam um “s”:

I get up at 7 everyday.

She gets up at 7 everyday.

Nas frases negativas do presente usa-se do not = don’t, para I, You, We, They e does not = doesn’t, para He, She, It. O verbo principal seguido do auxiliar sempre fica no infinitivo sem o to:

I don’t like coffee.

She doesn’t like coffee.

Mary and John don’t eat meat. They’re vegetarian.

As frases interrogativas são formadas colocando-se do ou does no início das perguntas sendo precedidos apenas por pronomes interrogativos. O verbo principal sempre fica no infinitivo sem o to. Nas respostas curtas, do-don’t, does-doesn’t substituem o verbo principal:

Do you like hamburguers?

Does it often rain in Bahamas?

What time do you usually go to work?

Where do you go to school?

Do you speak English? Yes, I do.

Does she enjoy parties? Yes, she does.

Does he take the 10:00 am train? No, he doesn’t.

Modelo de conjugação do verbo to work no simple present em inglês

Positive Negative Interrogative

I work I don’t work Do I work?

You work You don’t work Do you work?

He works He doesn’t work Does he work?

She works She doesn’t work Does she work?

It works It doesn’t work Does it work?

We work We don’t work Do we work?

You work You don’t work Do you work?

They work They don’t work Do they work?



1. Complete the sentences about Kathy’s morning. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.



a) Kathy gets up early.

Her son ____________ late.

b) She ________________ before

work. Her son ______________


c) She ____________ to the radio

in the car.

d) She and her co-workers

________________ breakfast


e) Kathy ______________ her email

right after breakfast.

f) Her boss ___________ the

newspaper at work.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.

a) Kathy’s son get’s up early.

Kathy’s doesn’t get up early .

b) Kathy checks her e-mail before breakfast.


c) Kathy and her son talk a lot in the morning.


d) Kathy’s son does his homework.


e) Kathy and her boss eat breakfast together.


f) Kathy’s boss plays computer games.


3. Complete Ethan’s e-mail with the correct form of the verbs.


Guess what! I have (have) a new job – in a coffee shop. It’s hard work. I

______________ (get up) early, and I _______________ (work) late. But

the coffee is good. My boss is nice. He’s French, and he _____________

(do) his homework in the coffee shop. I ______________ (help) his

sometimes. He’s quiet, and he ________________ (listen) to the radio and

______________ (sing), but we __________________ (not / like) the

same music. He _______________ (like) coffee, too. We both

_______________ (have) four cups of coffee every day!

Write soon!


4. Write the he / she / it form of the following verbs.

a) Go goes . m) Read ______________________

b) Do ______________________ n) Get _______________________

c) Study ____________________ o) Finish _____________________

d) Walk _____________________ p) Pick _______________________

e) Eat ______________________ q) Wait _______________________

f) Push _____________________ r) Need _______________________

g) Pull ______________________ s) Dance ______________________

h) Want _____________________ t) Swim _______________________

i) Have _____________________ u) Cry ________________________

j) Drink _____________________ v) Wash _______________________

k) Buy ______________________ w) Meet _______________________

l) Play ______________________ x) Open _______________________

5. Complete the question with Do or Does. Then write short answers.

a) Does Mark have an art lesson on Monday? Yes, he does .

b) ___________classes start at 08.00 on Tuesday? _________________________

c) ___________the students study English at Mark’s school? _________________________

d) ___________Mark go to school on Friday afternoon? _________________________

e) ___________they have any time for sport? _________________________

f) ___________you study religion at your school? _________________________

g) ___________your school have a similar timetable? _________________________

h) ___________you study more subjects than Mark? _________________________


6. Use the prompts and a verb from the box in the correct form to write full sentences.



a) We / four our friends (sometimes)

We sometimes cook for our friends .

b) She / her homework (always)


c) They / tennis at the weekend (often)


d) I / on holiday in June (usually)


e) You / up early in the morning (never)


f) She / TV before dinner (sometimes)


g) We / jeans at the weekend (usually)


h) It / in the summer (sometimes)



1. Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense Past Perfect or Simple Past.

Example: Pat _________ (to live) in London before he _________ (to move) to Rome.

Answer: Pat had lived in London before he moved to Rome.

A) After Fred _____________(to spend) his holiday in Italy he_______________(to want) to learn Italian.

B) Jill __________________(to phone) Dad at work before she __________________(to leave) for her trip.

C) Susan __________________(to turn on) the radio after she __________________(to wash) the dishes.

D) When she ____________(to arrive) the match ______already ______________(to start).

E) After the man __________________(to come) home he ________________(to feed) the cat.

F) Before he __________________(to sing) a song he __________________(to play) the guitar.

G) She __________________(to watch) a video after the children __________________(to go) to bed.

H) After Eric __________________(to make) breakfast he __________________(to phone) his friend.

I) I __________________(to be) very tired because I __________________(to study) too much.

J) They __________________(to ride) their bikes before they __________________(to meet) their friends.

2. Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect progressive).

A. We (sleep) __________________for 12 hours when he woke us up.

B. They (wait) __________________at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.

C. We (look for) __________________her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom.

D. I (not / walk) __________________for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.

E. How long (learn / she) __________________English before she went to London?

F. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing) __________________in the rain too long.

G. He (drive) __________________less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.

H. They were very tired in the evening because they (help) __________________on the farm all day.

I. I (not / work) __________________all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.

J. They (cycle) __________________all day so their legs were sore in the evening.

3. Make the past perfect:

A. She told me that she ____________________ (study) a lot before the exam.

B. The grass was yellow because it ___________________ (not / rain) all


C. The lights went off because we ___________________ (not / pay) the

electricity bill.

D. The children ___________________ (not / do) their homework, so they were

in trouble.

E. They ___________________ (not / eat) so we went to a restaurant.

F. We couldn’t go into the concert because we ___________________ (not /

bring) our tickets.

G. She said that she ___________________ (not / visit) the UK before.

H. Julie and Anne ___________________ (not / meet) before the party.

I. I ___________________ (not / have) breakfast when he arrived.

J. He ___________________ (not / use) email before, so I showed him how to

use it.

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012

Galera 2° EM....MAterial para download sobre o conteúdo aplicado na ultíma aula...ok...Abçs.